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£5000 raised for charity

7 mins

We are incredibly proud of the Amoria Bond teams who supported some amazing charities with s...

We are incredibly proud of the Amoria Bond teams who supported some amazing charities with some fantastic festive fundraising across all our offices in December, as well as getting involved and supporting our companywide AGM raffle!

Thanks to their generosity, we raised over £5000 in the Christmas raffle, enough to buy a whopping 177 care packages of essential items for the people of Las Laderas. It is fair to say that our local charity partners, Project Peru, and the people of Las Laderas were absolutely delighted and blown away by the amount raised, and they recently sent us some photos which we’ve put into a short slide-show video which shows the positive impact and difference the care packages have made to the community… it’s really amazing and very inspiring AMAZING!! Just click on the photo or the link below to see for yourself.

On top of that, employees in each office chose some fantastic local charities to support, with virtually everyone across the business getting involved and contributing time and/or money:

  • In Manchester, our teams raised £375 Francis House, a hospice for families with terminally ill children
  • In Singapore, our teams raised over $500 for Foodbank Singapore
  • In Cologne, employees bought, wrapped and delivered 60 presents for kids living in Schumaneck children’s homes. You can see how happy the children were:

  • In Amsterdam, the teams donated generously to provide funding and care packages of essential items for Serve The City who provide shelter and support for the city’s homeless

Amoria Bond is committed to Help the Community as part of our GROWTH strategy and want to say a MASSIVE THANK YOU to our employees for helping continue to full our purpose of progressing lives everywhere!

We give every employee a Charity Day every year to volunteer and are excited about what we will achieve as a company to give back and continue to Help the Community in 2021.

You can find out more about our long term partnership with Project Peru, and the community of Las Laderas who we’ve been supporting for 10 years here.