How Financial Wellbeing Impacts Your Overall Health and Happiness
09 January, 2025
In this issue we explore why staffing and consultancy present a great career choice for women, and we showcase our ASECND programme, specifically designed to support the career development of women in recruitment. Additionally, you will find a range of articles written by our consultants and managers that highlight, among other things, the benefits of women working in STEM and the significance of breaking down gender stereotypes in the industry.
- How can technology improve gender equality?
- How to attract, retain, progress and empower women in STEM
- Why it's importmant to encourage more women to join STEM businesses
- Why recruitment is a great career option for women
- Why staffing & consultancy is a great career for women (video)
- ASCENDing women in recruitment
- International Women's Day 2023 - Info Material